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Music Auction a organisé le 18 juin dernier sa première vente autour de l'univers de la guitare. Cette vacation a proposé un ensemble de pédales d'effets et chambres d'échos, de nombreuses guitares vintage et des micros.

L'évènement devait à l'origine avoir lieu physiquement chez nos partenaires du Abbey Road Institute Paris, mais avec le contexte particulier, les enchères se sont tenues de manière dématérialisées dans les locaux d'Art Richelieu.

Malgré le contexte épidémique, les acheteurs furent au rendez-vous: ainsi, une SG de 1963 ayant appartenu à Robben Ford fut vendu 10 500 euros, une semi-follow modèle The Monkees fut, quant à elle vendu 4400 euros, et enfin, une Roland Space Echo RE-201 fut adjugé 1050 euros. 



Neumann, AKG, Shure, Beyer, Sennheiser, Melodium, Connoisseur, LEM, Electrovoice, RCA, Audiotechnika, Coles, Sony, STC, Fostex, Schoeps, Brauner… nearly 120 dynamic, static and tube microphones were presented and sold at the Abbey Road Institute Paris. Test benches have been organized on many microphones including the emblematic Neumann M49 and U47, or the Sony C 800 G.


After a presentation and tests in the studios, 86% of the lots have found amateurs and collectors owners.


In March 2019 Music Auction sold the rock collection of M.C. These auctions are the testimony of a meticulous work of research and musical discoveries accumulated over 40 years. Among these lots, there are "emerging" groups of the 1960s, such as a rare Beatles compilation or the original pressing of the Pink Floyd EP "Arnold Layne" recorded in 1967 with Syd Barrett.


Passionate about vinyl records, and despite the emergence of the Compact Disc (CD), M.C did not give up his cakes in the 1990s and continued to buy and collect the most emblematic albums of this period: pressed in very few copies compared to the CD, these discs are now sought after. We thus find the original pressing of Radiohead's masterpiece, "Ok Computer", rare editions of the britpop groups of the time, like Blur, or their eternal rival Oasis. The American scene is also highlighted with the presence of 5 LPs of Nirvana, or the original European pressing of the musical UFO "Grace" by Jeff Buckley.


After moving from rue François Ier, Europe 1 radio decided to sell some of its records, as well as some memorabilias.

3500 discs were divided into 331 lots, organized in 19 categories.


A second sale was set up at the 15th arrondissement town hall, in Paris, attended by more than 1,500 people who came to buy more than 30,000 vinyl records from the Europe 1 collection. Great success : everything has been sold.

With its 450,000 vinyl records and 1.6 million musical references in stock, the Radio France discotheque offered to share with the public part of its collection on vinyl media. Thanks to the intervention of our team, Music Auction sold more than 30,000 records divided into 11 categories.


This operation made it possible to give new life to multiple copies of vinyl records of this exceptional collection. This auction is part of the Radio France strategy which aims at dynamic management of its collections and equipment, keeping up with technological developments. Part of the profits also made it possible to continue the digitization of records, to offer to the seven Radio France stations some new musical rarities and thus enrich its editorial fund.

© 2020 Music Auction, all rights reserved

Art Richelieu 
Auction house
51, rue Decamps, 75116 Paris - France
T. +33 (0)1 42 24 80 76

OVV Deburaux Paris - Déclaration CVV N°0502014

SIRET: 83479095800013
SIREN: 834790958

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