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Thank you !

Despite the risk of cancellation of the Europe 1 sale, our team managed to keep the event "live deconfined" in our office, at 51 rue Decamps, on November 28th. Great success: we had more than 700 registrations and 100% of the records were sold, well beyond the estimates announced.


A second Europe 1 online sale was scheduled for December 04: 239 lots again divided into ten styles were auctioned. New success since 95% of the discs found a buyer.


Stay tuned to our news: there are still several sales left before the end of the year, including our guitar auctions and our very first HIFI event.


Online sale - Le Mans auctioned 75 euros


Live sale - Paul Sindab - auctioned 280 euros


Online sale - France Gall - auctioned 140 euros

© 2020 Music Auction, all rights reserved

Art Richelieu 
Auction house
51, rue Decamps, 75116 Paris - France
T. +33 (0)1 42 24 80 76

OVV Deburaux Paris - Déclaration CVV N°0502014

SIRET: 83479095800013
SIREN: 834790958

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